Thursday 6 March 2014

No time for tonsilitis

Having set out full of zip and zeal on my overdraft zapping adventure, I started clearing the cupboards, collecting the change and otherwise restricting general household spend (it is so much easier if you think of it all as a business!). It was all going so well, this planning until disaster struck and I was hit with tonsilitis. 
Initially I scoffed, a sore throat would be no match for this force of nature, but really OUCH big big big OUCH! Up until now I have managed thirty ish years with nothing more than a sore throat but this is incomparable. After a week of fever, agony, sleepless nights and starvation (and work) I finally ended up heading to A&E and being admitted to the local ENT unit unable to swallow even my own saliva, and more importantly my antibiotics and painkillers.
So here I am tucked up in my hospital bed after 12 hours, copious amount of IV fluids, antibiotics and blessed painkillers. Feeling better than I have in nearly a week, drinking (small sips admittedly) and having just EATEN half a yogurt, I think I might actually sleep tonight and not keep waking up in agony. 
God bless the NHS!

A brief intro....

I am a 30 ish mum of one very busy 4 year old. Recently made single by my adulterous bastard of a (soon to be) ex husband. Now don't get me wrong it's definitely a good thing that he's gone but being on your own with a 4 year old is challenging to say the least. Particularly when this all happens just as you have resigned from your hard worked for career and decided to start a business, in the middle of a recession. Hey, who needs money right? Hahahahahahaha! Well, since you asked....I do!!!!

With divorce proceedings ongoing, a precarious maintenance situation (will he pay or won't he? This week he won't!), a salary given up, savings plunged into the new business and a whole load of bills to pay I decided it was time to assess my finances and whip them into shape. After all I am a responsible adult and successful business woman to be!

Step one in the plan is to clear my overdraft so that it can be once again there for emergencies and not general living! It's not a huge one only £700 which is not insurmountable, even if I did it by £1 a day it would only take 2 years. The approach to this will be multi pronged and is still a work in progress but here's what I've come up with so far....
1. Bank every penny - rather than keeping coin lying around the house, the car, the purse, bags etc get it in the bank. 
2. De clutter for cash - now the weather is getting better a car boot sale is definitely in the pipeline, there's eBay, gumtree (free) and the cash for clothes places.
3. Stop wasting money - I'm working on my budget so will share soon.

That's what I've come up with so far, I'm still 8 years off the big 4-0 and I would love to be financially sorted and maybe (whispers of hope) even have some savings started by then!
This is going to be a major challenge for me as I am by nature a spendthrift, so any suggestions are very welcome!

One Broke Mummy